You can access the new App in either of the following ways:
- Via the short-cut menu displayed on the left when you open any SharePoint document library as below:
Click on ‘Report a Data Breach’ and then click on ‘Breach Report App’.
(This is exactly the same as before.)
- Go to the Office 365 ‘waffle’, select Power Apps and then select ‘CBC365 Solutions Data Breach Reports.’
When the App launches, you will see the following screen:
Select “New” to report a new breach, which then takes you to the following:
As before, the form is straightforward, and most fields are self-explanatory. However, you may find the following additional information helpful:
- Date breach occurred – if you don’t know, just provide a rough estimate and add a note at the base of the form
- Short Breach Title – an example would be ‘safeguarding referral sent to incorrect email’
- Data Breach Description – Here you can put in all relevant information – the box expands to fit the text.
- Personal Data Breach – change this to ‘no’ if you are reporting a ‘near miss’ (such as a data security issue) or possible (unconfirmed) breach.
- Describe Data Types Affected – examples might include: name, address, age, NI number, bank account details.
Then press “submit report” which appears at the top of the form.
You’ll receive an email copy of the information submitted. I will then review the information and contact you. Try to make sure you are contactable by email or mobile so we can effectively close down/ minimise a breach. Note: From the launch page, you can also select “Existing” which will allow you to correct or add information previously submitted. (The other options “DPO processing” and “Risk summary” are for Andrew Harley to complete.)