Using Himail inside the pond 



1. From your text editor (E.g word) or PDF viewer (E.g adobe ), select File > Print select the Hi-mail printer and click Print.  

2. Hi-mail will request your login details which should be entered in this format: Account:Username (in almost all cases CBH:initalsurname e.g CBH:jbloggsand Password (existing users already have a password, for new users this will be supplied) 

Graphical user interface, text, application 
Description automatically generatedIf you tick the circled box, you will not need to input your log in credentials every time you use Himail 

3. Choose Automated Mode from the sending options and click Ok. Your letter will then be sent to a holding area awaiting approval for release.  

4. Hi-mail securely sends the document to the FDM Hi-mail servers and processes the document according to your administrative settings.  

5. That’s it! 


Using Himail Outside the Pond 



1. Go to and click Hi-mail Login from the top right hand menu.  

2. Log in using your unique login details (as detailed in point 2 above) 

3. When uploading a document through the portal Hi-mail will only accept PDF’s. From the I wish to… menu select Send a new document. 

 4. Browse for your document and click Ok. Then click Validate and your document will be uploaded to the Hi-mail portal.  

5. A small preview of your letter appears with a white box floating over the top of it. You MUST drag that box over the address box (if it doesn’t already) and make sure it encapsulates the whole address (including postcode) and no other text in the letter. 


6. Check the address has been captured correctly. You can edit the address from within Hi-mail if required. 


7. When you are happy with your options click on the Next arrow. You will get to review your letter at the next stage.  

8. Review your letter. You can preview the letter and approve the document for production and mailing.  

9. Review your parameters as per the screen shot.  


9. When you are happy with your options click on the Validate tick.  

10. That’s it.