The following are required for each template to be added or updated:
- An appropriate MS Word, Excel or PowerPoint document to be used as the basis for the template. This must be in the new document format (.docx, .xlsx or .pptx) such as My Template.docx for example.
- The document(s) must be attached to the ticket - do not email it or email a link to it.
- The name for the document's corresponding template as it will appear when chosen from the +New menu in the Document Library - it's useful to keep it succinct.
- The name(s) of the Document Library or Libraries where this template should be made available.
- The document should not (unless it's unavoidable) contain any Visual basic Code, Macros, embedded Form controls or Active X controls as these may prevent the document being opened correctly in the online browser.
- Make it clear if this is an additional template or a replacement for an existing template - if a replacement then please provide the name of the template to be replaced.
Optionally, a default value for each column in the Document Library can be specified for each template and these can be different for each library. As an example, a template called template.docx could set its View column to Invoices and its Group to Legal in one library but the same template could have its Group set to Tenancy in another library.